Saturday, April 5, 2014

Teen Polyglot Challenge video

Hey guys!

So after having spent the month of March trying to squeeze a bit of Swedish learning into my busy life, I'm starting off my spring break by sharing the video which is both the end product of my month of learning, and also what I've submitted for the contest itself.

Without further ado, here is a video of me speaking in the Swedish I've learned since March 8, 2014. :D

I'm very much a beginner, and would really appreciate it if any Swedish speakers could help correct mistakes I've made in my video.

No news for now other than that, but I'll be back soon. I got an email yesterday from my program coordinator for the NSLI-Y summer program in Bursa, and apparently we'll be getting a packet of information in the mail next week, which I'm super exited for. :)

Det är allt. Hej hej!
(That's all. Bye bye!)


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